GETLinked Software Accounts Receivable (ARLink) module imports "
Summary" as well as some detail data from Micros Guest Service Solution (GSS) module. 1. GETLinked Software can "Import Totals By:
System Totals or
Revenue Centers. 2. GETLinked Software imports "Account Translation" by:
GL Account,
Major Group,
Family Group,
Menu Item Group or
Menu Item. Below is a screen shot of the GETLinked Software ARLink module setup for Micros GSS:
The detail on the "Statement" in your accounting system is "SUMMARY" ONLY! This feature is relevant to your accounting system. The recommendation for wanting every detail item printed with the Accounts Receivable Statement is to re-print every detail invoice ("ticket") with items from your Point of Sale History. Attach these invoices to the statement. Warning: Make sure your Micros GSS default setting for keeping history (per customer) is set to a large enough number, otherwise you will not get any transactions once that threshold is met in Micros!