We work with many service providers such as CPA firms, bookkeeping services, staffing agencies, payroll service providers and more.
You can purchase GetLinked™ Software just like everyone else at our online Store and install it at your corporate office. You set up the transfer of data ("Polling") from each customer location to your office and import the data into GetLinked Software to process.
NOTE: Security concerns for receiving of data ("Polling") on your local computers (ex. corporate servers, etc.) requiring access (firewalls, email rights, etc.) are topics for your IT staff or hired computer professionals. Every POS and timeclock system is different and the ones that provide data files can have security measures applied to them (encryption, hashing, etc.). Talk to your IT staff or hired network personnel for more information. They can also email us and we will address any questions directly with them (sales@getlinked.co).
If support time is purchased there is no initial setup required from point of sale, payroll or other technicians in order to "Poll" data from the original source. We may contact the customers technical personnel or outside technicians if needed (ex. logon passwords to locations system) once our technicians have evaluated the location setup and data needed.
Everything is the same with GetLinked Software for service providers as with franchise and any multiple location configurations.
There usually is multiple data files needed to create financial transactions and every Point of Sale, Time Clock, Receivables, Payables system is different. We provide active customers access to the information on every system in order to configure GetLinked Software from any Point of Sale, Time Clock systems we interface.
Please review other Forum topics for more details:
I am a Point of Sale Reseller, Accountant or Consultant and want my customer to use GetLinked Software. What is the best way to proceed?
How does the subscription work per location and other costs? What are the benefits of keeping my subscription current?
How does technical support and the reserved Forum site work with GetLinked Software?